[Pacemaker] Multi-level ACLs for the CIB

Yan Gao ygao at novell.com
Mon Jan 11 13:01:30 UTC 2010

Hi all, Andrew, Lars,

Here's the status update about this feature.

I've implemented the main functionalities of ACL, including the ACLs
configuration parser, the CIB output filter and the modification checker...

Yan Gao wrote:
> On 12/09/09 18:28, Andrew Beekhof wrote:
>> On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 11:00 AM, Yan Gao <ygao at novell.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Andrew, Lars,
>>> On 12/08/09 21:16, Lars Marowsky-Bree wrote:
>>>> On 2009-12-08T09:22:52, Andrew Beekhof <andrew at beekhof.net> wrote:
>>>>>> Basically, we'd like to see an ACL mechanism. It would be implemented at
>>>>>> the CIB level. So that all the clients - CLI , CRM shell, GUI, etc... -
>>>>>> could benefit. Clients are authenticated via PAM, so we can use uid/gid
>>>>>> for identification.
>>>>> Actually you probably can't do this.
>>>>> Daemons (like the cib) which are not running as root can only
>>>>> authenticate the username/password of the user they're running as.
>>>> Well, the non-root internal uids/daemons would of course get exceptions
>>>> just like root, this is about external interfaces.
>>> Actually, after thinking over the problem, I'm a bit confused...So I
>>> briefly describe what in my mind, please correct me if there's any problem.
>>> First, currently non-root users are able to connect the cib through
>>> either unix or network sockets as long as they belong to "haclient"
>>> group. We could keep this requirement.
>>> Then the cib should authenticate the client via PAM to identify who is
>>> connecting to it.
>> Thats what I'm saying, it can only do this for the hacluster user.
>> Because its not running as root.
> Indeed, that's the real problem. Without authentication, that would not
> be a real access control. No idea if there's any other solution... Lars,
> what's your recommendation?

For this authentication issue of local access we discussed last time, I
added a geteuid() in the cib_native_signon_raw() function from libcib.
Once a client signs on the CIB, it'll invoke the function and transfer
its uid to the server end.

Strictly speaking, an user could hack his client program or libcib to
obtain the privileged right to CIB. But he also could hack the server
end, right? ;-)

Above all, any user still needs to be added into "haclient" group by the
privileged user to get the access to CIB. That means at least the ACL
implementation would not lower the security of the current stuff.

Besides, for remote access, an user still needs to pass the PAM
authentication, to get his appropriate permission. Although for now it
only supports "hacluster" user.

The ACL checks would always be bypassed for privileged users, "root" and
"hacluster" .

The following is an example configuration to demonstrate how to use this

      <primitive class="ocf" id="rsc0" provider="pacemaker" type="Dummy">
        <instance_attributes id="rsc0-instance_attributes">
          <nvpair id="rsc0-instance_attributes-password" name="password" value="123"/>
        <meta_attributes id="rsc0-meta_attributes">
          <nvpair id="rsc0-meta_attributes-target-role" name="target-role" value="started"/>
      <role id="admin">
        <write id="admin-write-0" tag="configuration"/>
        <write id="admin-write-1" tag="status"/>
      <role id="operator">
        <write id="operator-write-0" tag="nodes"/>
        <write id="operator-write-1" tag="status"/>
      <role id="monitor">
        <read id="operator-read-0" tag="nodes"/>
        <read id="monitor-read-1" tag="status"/>
          <uid id="ygao"/>
      <user id="ygao">
        <write id="ygao-write-0" ref="rsc0-meta_attributes-target-role"/>
        <deny id="gaoyan-deny-0" ref="rsc0-instance_attributes-password"/>
        <read id="ygao-read-0" ref="rsc0"/>
        <role_ref id="operator"/>

The user "ygao" is a system account.
We could define several roles as we wish, such as "admin", "operator" and "monitor",
which could contain a member list respectively if more than one user have the same
permissions. A role also could be referenced by a particular "<user ...>" definition.

As mentioned , the ACL is a black-/whitelist, and the first match defines
whether access is granted or denied.

So for user "ygao", the configuration means:

1. "ygao" has the write access to the "target-role" nvpair of "rsc0", hence
he could start/stop the resource.

Note: A "<write..>" ACL object also implies to grant read access.

2. "ygao" could read any other definitions of "rsc0" except "password" nvpair.

3. "ygao" can _read_ "nodes" and "status" sections.

Why is _read_ rather than _write_ ? We already referenced the "operator"
role who has write access, didn't we?
But we also put "ygao" into the members of "monitor" role, which is defined
prior to "<user id = "ygao"...". So after unpacking for "ygao", the ACL for him actually
is like:

<read id="operator-read-0" tag="nodes"/>
<read id="monitor-read-1" tag="status"/>
<write id="ygao-write-0" ref="rsc0-meta_attributes-target-role"/>
<deny id="gaoyan-deny-0" ref="rsc0-instance_attributes-password"/>
<read id="ygao-read-0" ref="rsc0"/>
<write id="operator-write-0" tag="nodes"/>
<write id="operator-write-1" tag="status"/>

Please always remember the basic rule:
"The first match determines the permission"

4. Everything else would be denied.

Those ACL objects, including "<read .../>", "<write .../>" and
"<deny .../>" could be interleaved with "<role_ref>" in definition.

Consider we have the definition:
<write id=... ref="rsc0"/>

This means the user could write any XML element who's ID is "rsc0".
So this applies to both the "primitive" and the "lrm_resource".

If we mean to grant the access only to the "primitive" one, we should
specify like:
<write id=... ref="rsc0" tag="primitive"/>

BTW, when you test it, please notice that the following command:
/usr/sbin/crm_resource -C -r rsc0

is not equal to:
/usr/sbin/cibadmin -D --xpath "//lrm_resource[@id='rsc0']"

The first command is achieved by requesting lrmd, which is running as root,
to do the cleanup for the client. So it could always bypass the ACL check.

BTW, there're some changes comparing to the original design:

For any of those ACL objects, including "<read .../>", "<write .../>" and
"<deny .../>", we need to specify an "id" for it, which it not in the original
design. I added it because some of the CIB modifications depend on element's IDs,
such as "cibadmin --modify".

There could be an "attribute" for an ACL object in the original design :
<write id=... ref="rsc0-meta_attributes-target-role" attribute="value" />

it was supposed to mean user could only write the "value" attribute of
"rsc0-meta_attributes-target-role" element.

I didn't implement it because there's no good way for now for the ACL
checker to recognize if a modification would change/add/remove any
particular attributes of a XML element. And I'm thinking if it's
necessary to implement it... Your thoughts?

Attached the patch. Please help review it. Any comments or suggestions
are welcome!

Yan Gao <ygao at novell.com>
Software Engineer
China Server Team, OPS Engineering, Novell, Inc.

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