[Pacemaker] Impossible rules ?

Andrew Beekhof andrew at beekhof.net
Tue Feb 23 09:20:50 UTC 2010

On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 3:32 PM, Adrian Chapela
<achapela.rexistros at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am testing a new configuration and have problems with two things.
> First of them is, one clone, one master/slave and one group. The group
> could run only in the node which has the master/slave in master role but
> the group needs also a clone instance running.
> I have the next but it is not enough:
>  <rsc_order id="1" first="DRBD-Master" first-action="promote"
> score="INFINITY" then="My-Group" then-action="start"/>
>  <rsc_colocation id="My-Group-on-DRBD-Master" rsc="My-Group"
> score="INFINITY" with-rsc="DRBD-Master" with-rsc-role="Master"/>
>  <rsc_colocation id="My-Group-NO-Without-Clone" rsc="My-Group"
> score="100" with-rsc="Clone-Instance" />
> Maybe I need to put score="INFINITY" in the last rule ? I don't know...

Yes.  If the group cant run without the clone, you need INFINITY.

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