[Pacemaker] Updated VMwareVM resource agent

Cristian Mammoli - Apra Sistemi c.mammoli at apra.it
Sun Feb 28 21:36:32 UTC 2010

In 2008 I posted on the linux-ha ML a resource agent script for vmware
server 2 virtual machines. It has been slightly modified and shipped
with heartbeat and (now) pacemaker.
Actually the script is broken:
the script is named "vmware" while the "resource-agent name" is set to
"vmwarevm". They should match.
Besides that, even if all the "OCF_" stuff is correctly declared the
script always reports:
"WARNING: Could not find out virtual machine name"
That's because in the modified version the function "set_environment" is
not properly executed before actually starting and stopping resources.

Attached is the 0.2 version I actually use in production. It's called
"VMwareVM". If you're going to modify the script before including PLEASE
post it on the list before so I can check if it actually works or not.

Cristian Mammoli

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