[Pacemaker] Auto-restart service on IP shift?

Erich Weiler weiler at soe.ucsc.edu
Wed Feb 3 15:35:31 UTC 2010

I think I read about this somehwere, but I can't find it now...  I have 
a cloned service on two nodes that is always running on both (named, one 
is a replicated slave).  The IP sticks to one, then floats to the other 
if the first one goes down.  Works great.

My problem is that named only binds to the IP addrs that are there when 
it comes up, so the second node doesn't bind to the floating IP when it 
floats over there because bind was already started.  If I restart named 
after the IP comes over then it works, but that isn't as automatic as 
I'd like.  ;)

Is there any way in crm to configure bind to automatically restart on 
the second node if it notices the IP floats over to it?

Thanks for the continued expert advice...!


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