[Pacemaker] strange openais-legacy/pacemaker issue

Raoul Bhatia [IPAX] r.bhatia at ipax.at
Tue Feb 9 11:48:45 EST 2010


i today stumbled accross a strange openais-legacy/pacemaker issue.
i tried to upgrade my kernel and found myself stuck with aisexec
runing in state "D" (uninteruptible io).

testing serveral other kernels on the same maschine gave the following

2.6.26-2-amd64, debian lenny kernel, *working* [1]
2.6.30-bpo.1-amd64, debian lenny-backports kernel, *working* [2], selfmade, *not* working [3][4]

i then diff'ed the configuration and tried to update my
configuration to match the debian config more closely. after a
successful compile and reboot, everything is working. [5][6]

i'm left, a little puzzled, with no clue on what the issue might have
been. maybe you can spot the error more quickly?


[1] http://ip52.ipax.at/~raoul/cluster/ok-2.6.26-2-amd64.log
[2] http://ip52.ipax.at/~raoul/cluster/ok-2.6.30-bpo.1-amd64.log

[3] http://ip52.ipax.at/~raoul/cluster/nok.
[4] http://ip52.ipax.at/~raoul/cluster/nok.config-

[5] http://ip52.ipax.at/~raoul/cluster/ok.config-
[6] http://ip52.ipax.at/~raoul/cluster/config.diff
DI (FH) Raoul Bhatia M.Sc.          email.          r.bhatia at ipax.at
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