[Pacemaker] colocation issues (isnt it always)

Dejan Muhamedagic dejanmm at fastmail.fm
Wed Dec 15 16:10:12 UTC 2010


On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 07:08:52PM -0700, Patrick H. wrote:
> Sent: Mon Dec 13 2010 15:19:48 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time)
> From: Pavlos Parissis <pavlos.parissis at gmail.com>
> To: The Pacemaker cluster resource manager <pacemaker at oss.clusterlabs.org>
> Subject: Re: [Pacemaker] colocation issues (isnt it always)
> >If you put all of them in a group and have the nfs_sdb1 as last
> >resource you will manage to have what you want with a very simple
> >configuration
> >BTW, I used your conf and in my case all resources started on the same node
> I futzed around with it some more and the problem was the nfsserver
> resource. It wasnt properly detecting that it wasnt running on the
> 'nas02' node. When I first added the resource it wasnt in the
> colocation rule, so it started up on 'nas02' (or it thought it did),
> and then I added the colocation rule. Well the monitor action was
> reporting that the service was running when it really wasnt. So
> every time it went to shut it down and move it to another node, it
> failed cause it thought it was still running. I ended up writing my
> own script with a working monitor function and it moved over just
> fine.

nfsserver actually uses your distribution init script:

nfs_init_script (string, [/etc/init.d/nfsserver]): Init script for nfsserver
    The default init script shipped with the Linux distro.
    The nfsserver resource agent offloads the start/stop/monitor
work to the init script because the procedure to start/stop/monitor nfsserver
varies on different Linux distro.

It looks like you need to report a bug to your vendor for the
NFS server init script.



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