[Pacemaker] pacemaker-1.0.10 - failure of resource causes migration of other resources

Nikola Ciprich extmaillist at linuxbox.cz
Wed Dec 29 22:15:12 UTC 2010

while doing some tests of 1.0.10, I've noticed strange behaviour.
I have lots of mutualy unrelated resources (virtual machines) + some other needed stuff (DRBD, CLVM, etc)
when one of virtual machines fails on a node, all other machines are migrated.
I'm not sure this is proper behaviour, and if it is, can I somehow disable it?
In case hb_report could help, I've uploaded it here:
If somebody could take a look at this, I'd be very grateful.
Of course, if I can provide any further needed information or be somehow
helpful, I'll be more then happy to provid what I can.
with best regards

Ing. Nikola CIPRICH
LinuxBox.cz, s.r.o.
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