[Pacemaker] announcement for glue 1.0.7 and heartbeat 3.0.4

Dejan Muhamedagic dejanmm at fastmail.fm
Mon Dec 6 17:32:24 UTC 2010


The new releases of Heartbeat (3.0.4) and cluster-glue (1.0.7)
are out. Please upgrade at the earliest possible opportunity.

The highlights:

- cluster-glue

	- external stonith plugins report now real exit codes (with
		  Pacemaker 1.1 it could happen that say failed monitor
		  operation is reported as success to the upper layers)
	- improved logging for stonith with Pacemaker 1.1 (should get
		  rid of the annoying "parse error" log messages by fence_legacy)
	- new external/nut stonith plugin (Network UPS Tools) (thanks
		  to William Seligman)
	- rename dtr|rts parameter to dtr_rts in rcd_serial; it was
		  necessary to change it, otherwise it cannot be used in XML;
		  NB: this is a regression for v1 users
	- optimization in logd and cl_log of logging to files
	- (note for Ubuntu users) the new ubuntu startup lrmd
		  plugin is included but unfortunately not functional,
		  it will have to wait for one of the next releases

- Heartbeat

	- various optimizations at the communication layer
	- better support for Pacemaker 1.1
		  (make sure to use traditional compression)
	- new mcast6 UDP IPv6 communication plugin

You can get the current tarballs here:




Lars Ellenberg
Florian Haas
Dejan Muhamedagic

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