[Pacemaker] Resource stop during migration

Michael Smith msmith at cbnco.com
Fri Aug 27 14:09:18 UTC 2010

Tim Serong wrote:
> On 8/27/2010 at 03:22 PM, Michael Smith <msmith at cbnco.com> wrote: 
>> I have a pacemaker setup using the Xen resource agent and I've found  
>> something weird during migration: if a VM is in the middle of  
>> live-migrating from node 1 to node 2, and I stop the resource in crm,  
>> pacemaker forgets about the migration and immediately thinks the resource  
>> is stopped, although it doesn't actually call the stop action. Meanwhile,  
>> the migration continues and the VM ends up running on node 2. 

> I'd actually suggest opening a bug for that:

Cool, will do. For the archives: 


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