[Pacemaker] Designated reaction of Pacemaker to monitor-op returning rc=7 (OCF_NOT_RUNNING)

Cnut Jansen work at cnutjansen.eu
Tue Aug 24 15:19:23 UTC 2010


just (for now) a short question for to make sure I didn't miss anything:
What's the designated reaction of Pacemaker when a resource agents
called for monitoring a resource, which is supposed to run and thus
resulting in a return of 0 (OCF_SUCCESS), returns 7 (OCF_NOT_RUNNING)?
Shall Pacemaker's very next call be for stopping the resource or shall
it be yet another (or even several) monitorings?
Or are there various designated reactions to this case, depending on
various conditions or something?

Cnut Jansen

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