[Pacemaker] crm not working on CentOS 5.3 64-bit

Christoph Mitasch cmitasch at thomas-krenn.com
Fri Sep 18 10:11:10 UTC 2009


I just installed OpenAIS and Pacemaker on a CentOS 5.3 64-bit system using:
yum install openais.x86_64 pacemaker.x86_64

Two questions:
1) If I omit the architecture indication in yum install, both the x86
and x86_64 packages get installed. Is this intended?
2) The crm command does not work. I don't know why, because cibadmin
does. The Crm command fails like this:
WARNING: could not find any editor on the system
WARNING: could not find any pager on the system
ERROR: cibadmin not available, check your installation
Attached you can find the strace of the crm command.

Thank you,
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