[Pacemaker] Cannot get "order" constraint to work.

Johan Verrept Johan.Verrept at able.be
Wed Oct 14 10:02:45 UTC 2009

I don't know if it is your only problem but in the order you refer to
primitive "mysql" while in your configuration you have primitive
"mysqld". Note the "d".
Other than that, the order constraint looks like mine.


On Wed, 2009-10-14 at 12:59 +0300, Stratos Zolotas wrote:
> Hello again.
> After struggling with the latest versions, i decided to try with the
> versions in the standard opesuse repos, that means:
> openais 0.80.3
> libopenais2 0.80.3
> pacemaker 1.0.1
> libpacemaker3 1.0.1
> heartbeat 2.99.3
> heartbeat-common 2.99.3
> heartbeat-resources 2.99.3
> libheartbeat2 2.99.3
> OpenIPMI 2.0.14
> It seems to work ok, the nodes are communicating and i can connect to
> cib and create configuration, but i cannot configure an order
> constraint in the configuration file.
> I try this:
> order mysql_after_drbd mandatory: ms_drbd_mysql:promote mysql:start
> But when i try to commit i get:
> Call cib_create failed (-47): Update does not conform to the
> configured schema/DTD
> <null>
> ERROR: could not create mysql_after_drbd
> offending xml: <rsc_order first="ms_drbd_mysql" first-action="promote"
> id="mysql_after_drbd" score="inf" then="mysql" then-action="start"/>
> Am I doing something wrong?
> The rest of the configuration is accepted and is:
> primitive fs_mysql ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem \
>         params device="/dev/drbd0" directory="/service/" fstype="ext3"
> primitive ip_mysql ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \
>         params ip="" nic="eth2:0"
> primitive mysqld lsb:mysql
> primitive apache lsb:apache2
> primitive drbd_mysql ocf:linbit:drbd \
>         params drbd_resource="r0" \
>         operations $id="drbd_mysql-ops" \
>         op monitor interval="15s"
> group mysql fs_mysql ip_mysql mysqld apache
> ms ms_drbd_mysql drbd_mysql \
>         meta master-max="1" master-node-max="1" clone-max="2"
> clone-node-max="1" notify="true"
> colocation mysql_on_drbd INFINITY: mysql ms_drbd_mysql:Master
> property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \
>         dc-version="1.0.1-node:
> 27be064e090742359bbdd1914f9d7dd363c8e0d8" \
>         no-quorum-policy="ignore" \
>         stonith-enabled="false" \
>         default-resource-stickiness="1000"
> Thanks in advance
> Stratos.
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