[Pacemaker] updating mac address during fail-over

Raoul Bhatia [IPAX] r.bhatia at ipax.at
Wed Oct 14 07:39:33 UTC 2009

On 10/11/2009 04:52 AM, Billy Guthrie wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using pacemaker-openais version and I have a question; Is
> it possible to update the MAC address on fail-over. I would like
> to keep the MAC address the same from one NIC to the other as I have an
> application that binds the license key to the MAC address.
> If that is not possible, what about running a script on the
> primary/secondary; If there is a failover detected, either the primary
> or secondary
> runs a command/script.

what about using some kind of dummy/tunl/... device for that?

DI (FH) Raoul Bhatia M.Sc.          email.          r.bhatia at ipax.at
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