[Pacemaker] Recommended versions for the cluster stack?

Jonathan jdccdevel at gmail.com
Tue Oct 13 17:04:45 UTC 2009

Thomas Georgiou wrote:
> I do not know what the recommended versions are, but I wrote ebuilds
> for the pacemaker/corosync cluster stack with the latest versions that
> were available at the time.  They are located here
> http://code.tjhsst.edu/vm-overlay/vm-overlay.
Unfortunately, I was not aware that those existed. However, I am going
to take the recommendation NOT to use corosync yet (which sucks, as I'm
not sure the rest of my stack will compile without it yet)
>   I believe there might
> be a small bug in the permissions in the pacemaker ebuild, but I do
> not remember if I fixed it.  We are currently using the ebuilds in a
> testing environment running semi-production services (secondary
> mailserver, nameserver).  However, we do not have need of dlm, drbd,
> or ocfs2 yet.  If you do use ebuilds, please respond with what you
> used, or if you modify mine, how you modified them.
> Thomas Georgiou
> P.S. Now I see you already have things installed.  Did you install
> them by hand, or through ebuilds?
I built them all by hand. I'm not that handy with making ebuilds yet,
and the packages in the standard tree are ancient.

I used some instructions I found on the net as a starting point, but had
to go on my own from there.
Needless to say, it was a bit of a challenge, trying to get everything
latest and greatest to build together.

The bigest problems were with dlm (needed for ocfs2) and ocfs2, in
particular getting them to build their pacemaker agents. (dlm_controld
and ocfs2_controld)

I have attached my notes. I was going to put together a HOWTO when I was
done (or maybe some ebuilds), but I want to get the setup stable first.

Some of the steps in my notes may no longer be relevant, as newer
versions are available for some packages  (eg: ocfs2-tools)



J. deBoer Computer Consulting.
42 Birchmont Dr.
Leduc, AB.
cell: 780-717-0669 

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