[Pacemaker] Unable to run crm cli on RHEL AS4.6

ROUAMBA Halidou hrouamba at gmail.com
Mon Oct 26 06:14:12 EDT 2009


I just install the last version of pacemaker and i used hearbeat as cluster
The installation has been made on RHEL AS4.6.
i didn't have any error during the rpm installation.
The /etc/ha.d/ha.cf et /etc/ha.d/authkeys have been correctly configured.
The problem occured when i tried to use crm line command to configure the
CIB file for resource management.
so this is the outpout of the crm .[
*root at omconi2 ~]# crm
  File "/usr/sbin/crm", line 4576
    for obj in processing_sort_cli(self.obj_list))
SyntaxError: invalid syntax*

The same error.occurs on both nodes

I see that crm is writed in python language, i'm a newbie in python

if any has faced this problem and could help me,
I thank him very much.

thanks for  taking a look at my problem

Best regards.

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