[Pacemaker] Low cost stonith device

Mario Giammarco mgiammarco at gmail.com
Thu Oct 1 04:24:44 EDT 2009

Mario Giammarco <mgiammarco at ...> writes:

> Hello,
> Can you suggest me a list of stonith devices compatible with 
> pacemaker?
> I need a low cost one.

Thank you for all replies. I have no ilo unfortunately.

Looking at this blog it seems that I can easily find stonith 
devices for $20:


Is it possible?

> I have also another idea to build a low cost stonith device:
> I have intelligent switches. To stonith a node I can send to
>  a switch the command 
> to turn off all ethernet ports linked to the node to be fenced. 

So the idea is correct in theory?

Thanks again, 


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