[Pacemaker] set cib_writes_enabled = TRUE during process running

Andrew Beekhof andrew at beekhof.net
Fri Nov 20 07:12:07 UTC 2009

On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 7:12 AM, Junko IKEDA <ikedaj at intellilink.co.jp> wrote:
> Hi,
> I run PostgreSQL as one of resources of Pacemaker.
> Its log file become really large, and the disk for /var was full
> unfortunately.
> cib process failed to write cib.xml, and there was the bottom message in
> ha-log.
> ERROR: cib_diskwrite_complete: Disabling disk writes after write failure
> cib.xml was 0 bite at that time.
> Even after recovering of the disk full, cib didn't start to write the file.
> It seems that cib_writes_enabled = FALSE,
> so cib didn't write CIB on disk.
> Is it possible to set cib_writes_enabled = TRUE during pacemaker running?

hmmm, i hadn't thought about that situation to be honest.
might be something good to add.

you might be able to attach to the running cib with gdb and set it that way...

> Is the restart of pacemaker only way to recover this situation?
> Thanks,
> Junko
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