[Pacemaker] couple of comments/questions on DRBD HowTo 1.0

Juha Heinanen jh at tutpro.com
Sat Mar 28 15:41:35 UTC 2009

Lars Ellenberg writes:

 > If that "Lars?" meant me, yes, please,
 > go ahead an delete outdated examples. 
 > Replace with a reference to the drbd users guide
 > http://www.drbd.org/docs/about/ or
 > http://www.drbd.org/docs/install/

how about the webserver example in DRBD HowTo 1.0?  i suspect that it
does not work.

if i try it without 'meta target-role=stopped' in fs0 resource,
pacemaker tried to mount the filesystem before drbd0 resource is running
resulting in error

Mar 28 17:16:56 lenny1 lrmd: [13953]: info: rsc:fs0: start
Filesystem[15261]:	2009/03/28_17:16:57 INFO: Running start for /dev/drbd0 on /var/lib/mysql
Mar 28 17:16:57 lenny1 lrmd: [13953]: info: RA output: (fs0:start:stderr) /dev/drbd0: Wrong medium type

(i use /var/lib/mysql instead of /usr/local/apache/htdocs).

if i then add 'meta target-role=stopped' to fs0 and give command

crm resource start ms-drbd0

mysql-group is not started automatically.  in addition i need to give

crm resource start fs0

why doesn't starting of ms-drbd0 promote the whole group? it would be
nice if the apache example would work out of the box without any

my corresponding example crm config is below.  

-- juha



primitive drbd0 ocf:heartbeat:drbd \ 
 params drbd_resource=drbd0 \
 op monitor role=Master interval=59s timeout=30s \
 op monitor role=Slave interval=60s timeout=30s

ms ms-drbd0 drbd0 \
 meta clone-max=2 notify=true globally-unique=false target-role=stopped

primitive fs0 ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem params fstype=ext3 directory=/var/lib/mysql device=/dev/drbd0 meta target-role=stopped

primitive virtual-ip ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 params ip= broadcast= nic=eth0 cidr_netmask=24 op monitor interval=21s timeout=5s

primitive mysql-server lsb:mysql op monitor interval=20s start-delay=30s

group mysql-server-group fs0 virtual-ip mysql-server

order ms-drbd0-before-mysql-server-group mandatory: ms-drbd0:promote mysql-server-group:start

colocation mysql-server-group-on-ms-drbd0 inf: mysql-server-group ms-drbd0:Master
location ms-drbd0-master-on-lenny1 ms-drbd0 rule role=master 100: #uname eq lenny1

property default-resource-stickiness=1
property failure-timeout=10s
property cluster-recheck-interval=1m



resource start ms-drbd0
resource start fs0


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