[Pacemaker] Monitor a resource without the cluster reacting to the result...

Joe Bill foxycode at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 27 14:18:19 UTC 2009

--- On Tue, 3/24/09, foxycode at yahoo.com <foxycode at yahoo.com> wrote:

> ... what command should I type to cause the cluster to
> perform a "monitor" operation at a specific check level on
> that resource, and return the appropriate OCF status of the
> operation, *without* the cluster reacting like triggering a
> failover ?
> I'd love to see something like:
> # crm_resource -m check_level resource_id
> .
> < everything 'echo'ed by the monitor operation >
> .
> Resource 'resource_id' is (running normally / in a failed
> or undeterminable state / cleanly stopped).
> #
> ... and $? holding the OCF_status of the monitor
> operation.

Amazing what a few minutes of serious thumb-sucking can produce.
The GUI shows an operation can be programmed for a given resource, and that the operation has several parameters, among them 'on fail' with 'ignore' as possible value. or, make sure that the specific monitoring operation always 'exit 0' and save the monitor's real status elsewhere.

The only issue left now is that the monitoring jobs are invoked periodically and I'd like to have these invkoed just once, on demand.


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