[Pacemaker] Monitor a resource without the cluster reacting to the result...

foxycode at yahoo.com foxycode at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 24 09:45:20 UTC 2009

I've been wanting this for some time now and expecting pacemaker would include it in it's newer versions. But I've checked the latest pacemaker 1.0 distribution fresh of the day, and unfortunately have found nothing in it indicating if this is possible.

- Running a HAv2 or Openais cluster,
- with a valid configured resource instance,
- whether that resource is running properly, or not running at all, or limping on 3 or less legs,
- under the 'root' account,
- from the shell of a node in that cluster,

.... what command should I type to cause the cluster to perform a "monitor" operation at a specific check level on that resource, and return the appropriate OCF status of the operation, *without* the cluster reacting like triggering a failover ?

I'd love to see something like:

# crm_resource -m check_level resource_id
< everything 'echo'ed by the monitor operation >
Resource 'resource_id' is (running normally / in a failed or undeterminable state / cleanly stopped).

.... and $? holding the OCF_status of the monitor operation.

And eventually ...

# crm_resource -m check_level -h comma-separated-host-id-list resource_id

And BTW, exactly what criteria does crm_resource -W' uses to say if a resource is running or not ?


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