[Pacemaker] couple of comments/questions on DRBD HowTo 1.0

Juha Heinanen jh at tutpro.com
Wed Mar 18 08:42:28 UTC 2009

"Prerequisites" section says that "DRBD must not be started by init.".  In
Debian lenny at least, drbd init script load drbd module.  if drbs init
is not run, drbd modules needs to be loaded by some other means, for
example, by adding "drbd" line to /etc/modules.

i have not managed to make drbd.conf example in "setting up DRBD"
section to work using drbd version 0.14.  lines

incon-degr-cmd echo '!DRBD! pri on incon-degr' | wall ; sleep 60 ; halt -f;


on-disconnect reconnect;

result in syntax errors.  can someone tell, how they should look like in
0.14 version of drbd?

-- juha

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