[Pacemaker] fence timeouts

Bernd Schubert bs_lists at aakef.fastmail.fm
Thu Jul 23 23:41:21 UTC 2009


I try to increase the fence timeouts, but I as much as I try, I don't figure 
out how that works.

I see this thread 
but also miss the outcome how to set timeouts. 

##### Stonith #####
# very long on_time due to shared onboard NIC / IPMI
primitive st-ipmi-1 stonith:external/ipmi       \
params hostname=mds1 ipaddr=        \
userid=root passwd=calvin interface=lanplus     \
min_off_time=60 off_time=60 on_time=120         \
op start timeout=240                            \
op stop  timeout=240                            \
op monitor interval=600 timeout=240

primitive st-ipmi-2 stonith:external/ipmi       \
params hostname=mds2 ipaddr=        \
userid=root passwd=calvin interface=lanplus     \
min_off_time=60 off_time=60 on_time=120         \
op start timeout=240                            \
op stop  timeout=240                            \
op monitor interval=600 timeout=240

location l-st-mds1 st-ipmi-1 -inf: mds1
location l-st-mds2 st-ipmi-2 -inf: mds2
##### Stonith end #####

(This is with a rewritten external/ipmi, once I have tested it I'm going to 
send the patch. It has the advantage to check resets, but also needs a long 
reset time ...).

I think according the thread above, somewhere there was written the start 
timeout is used. But then this value is gracefully ignored and the timeout is 
still 60s. So I tried
crm_attribute --type op_defaults --attr-name timeout --attr-value 300s
but this is also not used as default stonith timeout.

I really would be glad if someone could tell me which value has the default 
stonith timeout and how to set timeouts per stonith resource.

Thanks in advance,

Bernd Schubert
DataDirect Networks

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