[Pacemaker] handling snmp trap with crm_mon

Junko IKEDA ikedaj at intellilink.co.jp
Thu Feb 26 08:29:52 UTC 2009


Thanks for reply.

> were there any errors from crm_mon?  Try invoking with some -V options
> to see what its doing.

I tried this.
# crm_mon -S -VVVVV

but there is no log message both of ha-debug, syslog or stderr.
Is any installation failures?

> > When I call the following command from Pacemaker server(,
> > SNMP manager can notice it.
> >
> > * Pacemaker server;
> > # snmptrap -v 2c -c public '' .
> >
> > * SNMP manager(/var/log/snmptrap.log);
> > snmptrapd[13151]: 2009-02-25 15:40:30 <UNKNOWN> [UDP:
> > []:32772]: DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance =
> > (18192695) 2 days, 2:32:06.95      SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapOID.0 = OID:
> > DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance
> >
> > Does crm_mon also use LINUX-HA-MIB.mib as the same as hbagent?
> No.  Right now it doesn't provide one.  I need to do something about that

Are you planning to provide it if you have time to do that?

> > I think SNMP function is also included in pacemaker-pygui, is there any
> > differences between pygui and crm_mon?
> Lots :-)

I see.
Our customer has already run heartbeat with hbagent,
so their operators would want to get the same snmp trap message as hbagent.
If crm_mon can also take LINUX-HA-MIB.mib, it would be great.
And surely, if crm_mon has the additional fine feature,
it would be wonderful!
I find crm_mon's "daemon" option, it's good :)


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