[Pacemaker] Migrate/run resource only if m/s resource is master/promoted on target node

Martin Gombač martin at isg.si
Mon Dec 28 14:30:05 UTC 2009

Michael Schwartzkopff wrote:
> Am Montag, 28. Dezember 2009 14:36:11 schrieb Martin Gombač:
>> Hi,
>> i have mostly working Xen + DRBD + Live migration + Resource fencing,
>> but here is a slight issue with my crm config.
>> I want for resource Hosting to migrate to other node only when the drbd
>> resource there is primary. I did try to achieve this using ordering (see
>> config below). Currently it can happen, that drbd resouce is still in
>> slave (secondary) while migration starts. Example:
> What about a colocation constraints refering to the resource in master state?

I'm not sure what you mean. I think i already did this with:
colocation Hosting_on_ms_drbd_r0 inf: Hosting ms_drbd_r0:Master
Is this what you mean? If not, i'll be happy if you provide me with an 
example, or point me to the docs. :-)

Thank you,

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