[Pacemaker] Asymmetrical cluster : should it probe resources that won't be installed on a node ?

Thomas Guthmann tguthmann at iseek.com.au
Tue Dec 8 23:22:43 UTC 2009

Hi Andrew,

First thanks for your time, your responsiveness and the great piece of 
software you're providing us. "Thank you!".

>> The logging could probably be toned down in such cases though.
Hmm, I don't know how to do that. Is it possible from my side or did you 
said that as a remark (for the code). All pe-XXXXX-series-max are still 
set to the default (a.k.a 1) and ais.conf has :
logging {
         debug: off
         fileline: off
         to_syslog: yes
         to_stderr: off
         syslog_facility: daemon
         timestamp: on

> Could you open a bug for this so that I remember to clean this up?
See: <http://developerbugs.linux-foundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2251>
Tell me if you need more information in the bug report?

In the mean time, we will do a script to clean pe-warn logfiles (because 
we have a pace of 2 files per minute:)


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