[Pacemaker] another basic configuration question

Andrew Beekhof andrew at beekhof.net
Wed Dec 2 10:51:58 UTC 2009

On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 6:10 PM, Frank DiMeo <Frank.DiMeo at bigbandnet.com> wrote:
> Just FYI, this configuration also causes shutdown problems for pacemaker.  When I stop openais while running this configuration, lrmd and pengine are orphaned and become children of init (process 1).

they had the wrong init script for a while.

> Maybe this is why the resources never stop.
> By the way, I noticed that I had the score designator it the wrong place in the collocation area, and it should be:
> <rsc_colocation id="coloc-1" score="INFINITY">
>        <resource_set id="coloc-1-set-1" sequential="true">
>                <resource_ref id="world1" />
>                <resource_ref id="world2" />
>        </resource_set>
> </rsc_colocation>
> Unfortunately, that didn't change the behavior.
> -Frank
> -Frank
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Frank DiMeo [mailto:Frank.DiMeo at bigbandnet.com]
>> Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2009 6:00 PM
>> To: pacemaker at oss.clusterlabs.org
>> Subject: [Pacemaker] another basic configuration question
>> Hi All,
>> I'm using the enclosed .xml file to control the startup sequence and
>> collocation of two resources.  When I use this xml file, I get the
>> following behavior:
>> 1) start both nodes, resources world1 and world2 start up in the
>> correct sequence on ubuntu_2
>> 2) execute crm_standby -U ubuntu_2 v -on, world2 and world2 stay on
>> ubuntu_2.  This seems odd.
>> 3) execute crm_standby -U ubuntu_2 v -off, world2 and world2 stay on
>> ubuntu_2.
>> 4) execute crm_resource --resource world1 --move -h ubuntu_1, world1
>> and world2 stay on ubuntu_2.  Again, I thought world1 could move, and
>> if it did, would take world2 with it.
>> 5) execute crm_resource --resource world1 --un-move -h ubuntu_1
>> 6) try to move world2, it won't move either, but this is not unexpected
>> given the collocation constraint.
>> 7) stop pacemaker (via /etc/init.d/openais stop) on ubuntu_2, and after
>> about a minute, corosync et al stop, but world1 and world2 still
>> continue to run on ubuntu_2, and both resources ALSO start running on
>> ubuntu_1.
>> I've checked my resources using ocf-tester on both nodes (both pass on
>> both nodes), and also manually verified both RA's on both nodes.  Does
>> this behavior make sense given the xml file?
>> I've also run both of these resources using ONLY the collocation
>> constraint (without the ordering constraint), the they seem to behave
>> as I'd expect (i.e. they run on the same node together even when
>> forcibly moved, or when a node is put into standby), as long as I
>> specify "sequential=true" in the collocation constraint.  However, if I
>> specify "sequential=false" in the collocation constraint, each resource
>> tries to execute on the node opposite of the one that's running the
>> other resource.
>> Thanks again in advance,
>> Frank
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