[Pacemaker] split brain in drbd dual primary setup

unni krishnan unnikrishnan.a at gmail.com
Sun Dec 6 19:31:03 UTC 2009


We are using a cluster setup something like :


We are using

OpenVZ for Virtualization
DRBD with ocfs2 in dual primary mode
heartbeat + pacemaker for HA

Currently I have not added the drbd in pacemaker. But added the VPS as
resources in pacemaker, so that the VPS can fail over or fail back.

My question is, if I remove the cross over cable that connects the
drbd then the two server will run in

Primary/Unknown state and since the heartbeat connection which is
through another cable is not broken, the VPS will run in two nodes.

So the data written to two drdb devices in two nodes are different and
it is not possible to discard data in any node. What is the better
solution for this problem. Please give some hints, thanks :-)


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