[Pacemaker] Openais: Corosync Executive couldn't openconfiguration component 'openaisserviceenable'

Frank DiMeo Frank.DiMeo at bigbandnet.com
Thu Dec 3 12:31:24 EST 2009

Try replacing the existing exported symbol in your /etc/init.d/openais file with:


export COROSYNC_DEFAULT_CONFIG_IFACE="openaisserviceenableexperimental:corosync_parser"




From: Shravan Mishra [mailto:shravan.mishra at gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2009 10:18 AM
To: pacemaker at oss.clusterlabs.org
Subject: Re: [Pacemaker] Openais: Corosync Executive couldn't openconfiguration component 'openaisserviceenable'


check if /usr/libexec/lcrso/openaisserviceenable.lcrso exisits on your machine.




On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 7:00 AM, Martin Gombac( <martin at isg.si> wrote:

Hi guys,

i just installed openais from clusterlabs repo. Configured it, but am unable to start it. The error doesn't really tell me anything. Can someone point me in the right direction?

/etc/init.d/openais start
Starting OpenAIS (corosync): corosync [MAIN  ] Corosync Cluster Engine ('1.1.2'): started and ready to provide service.
corosync [MAIN  ] Corosync built-in features: nss rdma
corosync [MAIN  ] Corosync Executive couldn't open configuration component 'openaisserviceenable'
corosync [MAIN  ] Corosync Cluster Engine exiting with status -9 at main.c:900.


totem {
       version:        2
       # Disable encryption
       secauth:        off
       # How many threads to use for encryption/decryption
       threads:        0
       # How long before declaring a token lost (ms)
       token:          10000
       # How many token retransmits before forming a new configuration
       token_retransmits_before_loss_const: 20
       # How long to wait for join messages in the membership protocol (ms)
       join:           60
       # How long to wait for consensus to be achieved before starting a new round of membership configuration (ms)
       consensus:      4800
       # Turn off the virtual synchrony filter
       vsftype:        none
       # Number of messages that may be sent by one processor on receipt of the token
       max_messages:   20
       # Limit generated nodeids to 31-bits (positive signed integers)
       clear_node_high_bit: yes
       # Optionally assign a fixed node id (integer)
       #nodeid:                1234
       interface {
               ringnumber: 0
               mcastport: 5405
       interface {
               ringnumber: 1
               mcastport: 5405

logging {
       debug: on
       timestamp: on
       fileline: off
       to_syslog: yes
       to_stderr: no
       syslog_facility: daemon

amf {
       mode: disabled

 service {
       # Load the Pacemaker Cluster Resource Manager
       name: pacemaker
       ver:  0

 aisexec {
       user:   root
       group:  root

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