[Pacemaker] another basic configuration question

Andrew Beekhof andrew at beekhof.net
Wed Dec 2 05:51:02 EST 2009

On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 12:00 AM, Frank DiMeo
<Frank.DiMeo at bigbandnet.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm using the enclosed .xml file to control the startup sequence and collocation of two resources.  When I use this xml file, I get the following behavior:
> 1) start both nodes, resources world1 and world2 start up in the correct sequence on ubuntu_2
> 2) execute crm_standby -U ubuntu_2 v -on, world2 and world2 stay on ubuntu_2.  This seems odd.

Did you paste that command or type it wrong?
If you ran:
   crm_standby -U ubuntu_2 -v on world2

It should have worked.  Unless the resources refused to stop.

Please clarify what you actually ran and then i'll be able to comment
on the rest.

> 3) execute crm_standby -U ubuntu_2 v -off, world2 and world2 stay on ubuntu_2.
> 4) execute crm_resource --resource world1 --move -h ubuntu_1, world1 and world2 stay on ubuntu_2.  Again, I thought world1 could move, and if it did, would take world2 with it.
> 5) execute crm_resource --resource world1 --un-move -h ubuntu_1
> 6) try to move world2, it won't move either, but this is not unexpected given the collocation constraint.
> 7) stop pacemaker (via /etc/init.d/openais stop) on ubuntu_2, and after about a minute, corosync et al stop, but world1 and world2 still continue to run on ubuntu_2, and both resources ALSO start running on ubuntu_1.
> I've checked my resources using ocf-tester on both nodes (both pass on both nodes), and also manually verified both RA's on both nodes.  Does this behavior make sense given the xml file?
> I've also run both of these resources using ONLY the collocation constraint (without the ordering constraint), the they seem to behave as I'd expect (i.e. they run on the same node together even when forcibly moved, or when a node is put into standby), as long as I specify "sequential=true" in the collocation constraint.  However, if I specify "sequential=false" in the collocation constraint, each resource tries to execute on the node opposite of the one that's running the other resource.
> Thanks again in advance,
> Frank
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