[Pacemaker] [Linux-HA] showscores.sh for pacemaker 1.0.2

Dominik Klein dk at in-telegence.net
Wed Apr 1 08:34:22 UTC 2009

So here's an update. Michael Schwartzkopf pointed out a bug regarding
groups. That has been fixed now and the appropriate values should be
shown. Thanks!

There's not been a lot of feedback, is it because nobody uses the script
or does it just work for you?


Dominik Klein wrote:
> Hi
> I made the necessary changes to the showscores script to work with
> pacemaker 1.0.2.
> Please test and report problems. Has been reported to work by some
> people and should go into the repository soon. Still, I'd like more
> people to test and confirm.
> Important changes:
> * correctly fetch stickiness and migration-threshold for complex
> resources (master and clone)
> * adjust column-width according to the length of resources' and nodes' names
> Regards
> Dominik
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