[Pacemaker] Re: Pacemaker 0.7.3 won't let me delete resources

Bruno Voigt Bruno.Voigt at ic3s.de
Thu Sep 25 13:48:40 UTC 2008

Ok, I just found out, that I have to delete the constraints before.
A better error message would be great.

Bruno Voigt wrote:
> I want to delete a (non started) resource,
> but my requests are rejected:
> root at xen20b:/etc/xen# cibadmin -D -X '<primitive id="hbtest1a"
> class="ocf" type="XenDRBD" provider="heartbeat"/>'
> Call cib_delete failed (-47): Update does not conform to the configured
> schema/DTD
> <null>
> root at xen20b:/etc/xen# crm_resource -D -t primitive -r hbtest1a
> Error performing operation: Update does not conform to the configured
> schema/DTD
> root at xen20b:/etc/xen# crm_resource -W -r hbtest1a
> resource hbtest1a is NOT running
> How Do I get rid of them ?
> TIA,
> Bruno

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