[Pacemaker] Re: [Linux-HA] the crm command line interface

Lars Marowsky-Bree lmb at suse.de
Mon Sep 8 22:01:36 UTC 2008

On 2008-09-08T15:53:39, Serge Dubrouski <sergeyfd at gmail.com> wrote:

> > Part of this could be provided through command-line completion, which
> > would be my personal preferences.
> Would be good but how one knows what is available?

Command-line completion would provide for that. You just hit tab-tab and
all possible completions are listed.

> > "interactive menus" - we _are_ talking about a CLI, not a GUI here. ;-)
> You know,  in old good times such thing did exist:
> 1. Create a primitive
> 2. Delete a primitive
> .......
> 16. Commit
> 17. Exit

Right. I always hated that. ;-) I understand others might, but I dislike

> >>              <op id="monitor_myIP" name="monitor" interval="30s" timeout="30s"/>
> >>              <op id="start_myIP" interval="30s" name="start" timeout="30s"/>
> >>              <op id="stop_myIP" interval="30s" name="stop" timeout="30s"/>
> >
> > intervals on non-monitor? The CLI probably refuses to parse this because
> > it's a semantic bug, which the DTD can't protect against ;-) But yes,
> > that's a bug. Please file it.
> A bug against what? CLI or cibadmin?

CLI; it should not refuse to display it. Allowing you to define it from
scratch - it probably shouldn't.

The pacemaker 0.7 release might be smarter to catch that at the schema
layer, but I can't test that right now.


Teamlead Kernel, SuSE Labs, Research and Development
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg)
"Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes." -- Oscar Wilde

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