[Pacemaker] failure of a monitor operation would be disappeared from crm_mon

Junko IKEDA ikedaj at intellilink.co.jp
Mon Sep 8 08:11:18 UTC 2008


This is a requet about showing monitor NG with crm_mon.
One dummy resource is running like this;

# crm_mon -fot -i1 -r
Node: node-b (59295d90-5459-490d-a1e0-d48810cf2fb3): online
Node: node-a (b3852a23-c10b-440a-a8e0-263b0185d657): online

dummy   (ocf::heartbeat:Dummy): Started node-a

* Node node-b:
* Node node-a:
    + start: rc=0 (ok)
    + monitor: interval=10000ms rc=0 (ok)

remove its status file, so dummy will do failover.

# rm -f /var/run/heartbeat/rsctmp/Dummy-dummy.state
Node: node-b (59295d90-5459-490d-a1e0-d48810cf2fb3): online
Node: node-a (b3852a23-c10b-440a-a8e0-263b0185d657): online

dummy   (ocf::heartbeat:Dummy): Started node-b

* Node node-b:
    + start: rc=0 (ok)
    + monitor: interval=10000ms rc=0 (ok)
* Node node-a:
   dummy:  fail-count=1
    + start: rc=0 (ok)
    + monitor: interval=10000ms rc=7 (not running)
    + stop: rc=0 (ok)

Failed actions:
    dummy_monitor_10000 (node=node-a, call=4, rc=7): complete

After that, the node which the resource is running now is stopped manually.

# service heartbeat stop
Node: node-b (59295d90-5459-490d-a1e0-d48810cf2fb3): OFFLINE
Node: node-a (b3852a23-c10b-440a-a8e0-263b0185d657): online

* Node node-b:
    + start: rc=0 (ok)
    + monitor: interval=10000ms rc=0 (ok)
    + stop: rc=0 (ok)
* Node node-a:
   dummy:  fail-count=1
    + start: rc=0 (ok)
    + stop: rc=0 (ok)

At this time, node-a's monitor NG disappears from crm_mon.
It might be an expected behavior for now,
it would be convenient if crm_mon can keep showing some past failures.

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