[Pacemaker] lrm_rsc_op validity errors

Raoul Bhatia [IPAX] r.bhatia at ipax.at
Fri Oct 31 07:40:15 UTC 2008


i used cibadmin -R to update my cib where i removed two resources
which were running beforehand.

issuing any crm related command (e.g. crm_mon -1) gives me countless
lines similiar to:
>  element cib: validity error : No declaration for attribute dc-uuid of element cib
> element lrm_rsc_op: validity error : Element lrm_rsc_op does not carry attribute call_id
> element lrm_rsc_op: validity error : Element lrm_rsc_op does not carry attribute rc_code
> element lrm_rsc_op: validity error : Element lrm_rsc_op does not carry attribute op_status
> element lrm_rsc_op: validity error : No declaration for attribute transition-key of element lrm_rsc_op
> element lrm_rsc_op: validity error : No declaration for attribute transition-magic of element lrm_rsc_op
> element lrm_rsc_op: validity error : No declaration for attribute call-id of element lrm_rsc_op
> element lrm_rsc_op: validity error : No declaration for attribute rc-code of element lrm_rsc_op
> element lrm_rsc_op: validity error : No declaration for attribute op-status of element lrm_rsc_op
> element lrm_rsc_op: validity error : No declaration for attribute last-run of element lrm_rsc_op
> element lrm_rsc_op: validity error : No declaration for attribute last-rc-change of element lrm_rsc_op
> element lrm_rsc_op: validity error : No declaration for attribute exec-time of element lrm_rsc_op
> element lrm_rsc_op: validity error : No declaration for attribute queue-time of element lrm_rsc_op
> element lrm_rsc_op: validity error : No declaration for attribute op-digest of element lrm_rsc_op

as the gzipped hbreports file is bigger than 100kb, please find it at:

DI (FH) Raoul Bhatia M.Sc.          email.          r.bhatia at ipax.at
Technischer Leiter

IPAX - Aloy Bhatia Hava OEG         web.          http://www.ipax.at
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