[Pacemaker] Failure of the resource migration from GUI

Yan Gao ygao at novell.com
Tue Nov 4 10:47:12 UTC 2008

On Tue, 2008-11-04 at 09:52 +0900, renayama19661014 at ybb.ne.jp wrote:
> Hi Yan,
> I referred to your patch. 
> I gave the following patch.
> ----------------------- patch ------------------------------------------------------------
> +       mgmt_log(LOG_INFO, "yamauchi ----- migrate_cmd0:%s",argv[3]);
>         if (STRNCMP_CONST(argv[3], "True") == 0){
>                 strncat(cmd, " -f", sizeof(cmd)-strlen(cmd)-1);
>                 mgmt_log(LOG_INFO, "yamauchi ----- migrate_cmd1:%s",argv[3]);
>         }
> +       mgmt_log(LOG_INFO, "yamauchi ----- migrate_cmd2:%s",cmd);
>         if (STRNCMP_CONST(argv[4], "") != 0){
>                 if (regex_match(duration_regex, argv[4])) {
>                         strncat(cmd, " -u \"", sizeof(cmd)-strlen(cmd)-1);
>                         strncat(cmd, argv[4], sizeof(cmd)-strlen(cmd)-1);
>                         strncat(cmd, "\"", sizeof(cmd)-strlen(cmd)-1);
>                 }
>                 else {
>                         mgmt_log(LOG_ERR, "invalid duration specified: \"%s\"", argv[1]);
>                         return strdup(MSG_FAIL"\nInvalid duration.\nPlease refer to "
>                                         "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Duration for examples
> of valid durations");
>                 }
>         }
>         strncat(cmd, " 2>&1", sizeof(cmd)-strlen(cmd)-1);
> +       mgmt_log(LOG_INFO, "yamauchi ----- migrate_cmd3:%s",cmd);
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> And the log when I chose True and False by operation to migrate was the following thing.
> [root at ais-1 ~]# tail -f /var/log/messages | grep yamauchi
> Nov  4 09:39:33 ais-1 mgmtd: [12837]: info: yamauchi ----- migrate_cmd0:\True
> Nov  4 09:39:33 ais-1 mgmtd: [12837]: info: yamauchi ----- migrate_cmd2:crm_resource -M -r group -H
> ais-2
> Nov  4 09:39:33 ais-1 mgmtd: [12837]: info: yamauchi ----- migrate_cmd3:crm_resource -M -r group -H
> ais-2 2>&1
> Nov  4 09:39:53 ais-1 mgmtd: [12837]: info: yamauchi ----- migrate_cmd0:\False
> Nov  4 09:39:53 ais-1 mgmtd: [12837]: info: yamauchi ----- migrate_cmd2:crm_resource -M -r group -H
> ais-1
> Nov  4 09:39:53 ais-1 mgmtd: [12837]: info: yamauchi ----- migrate_cmd3:crm_resource -M -r group -H
> ais-1 2>&1
> After all backslash seems to be in the top.
> Possibly will not there be a problem at the time of the transfer of the parameter with the daemon?
No, my mistake:-)

Yan Gao
China R&D Software Engineer
ygao at novell.com

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