[Pacemaker] Does pingd works on openais?

Lars Marowsky-Bree lmb at suse.de
Thu Mar 6 19:08:19 UTC 2008

On 2008-03-06T20:55:50, Atanas Dyulgerov <atanas.dyulgerov at postpath.com> wrote:

> Isn't Red Hat Cluster Suite using CMAN on top of openais? Correct me is I'm wrong. They claim it is suitable for production use.

I don't think CMAN is running on top of openAIS in the shipping distros
just yet.

Even with openAIS being production ready on its own, that doesn't
mean the CRM port will have all glitches ironed out yet. We love early
innovators, just be sure what you're getting ;-)

> >Hm? openAIS already supports locking.
> Yes, I know openais supports locking. That's why Pacemaker must
> support those locking features to lock its resources. Currently
> Pacemaker cannot lock resources (iscsi, network block devices,
> filesystems like GFS, OCFS2 and etc.), right?

That's something the resource agents would need to do. And as far as I
know, openAIS does not do the resource level locking you refer to; but
Pacemaker internally ensures exclusive access to them.

> >quorumd is currently not functional on Heartbeat either, so that's not
> >really a differentiator so far ;-)
> I wasn't able to make it work in heartbeat 2.1.3 :(

I know. quorumd is not functional as I said.

> Btw, what would you say about Red Hat cluster suite? It seems to me like a very completed solution - supports resource locking (GNBD, GFS), cluster filesystem (GFS), quorum disk - things missing in Heartbeat...
> GFS is very stable, has superior performance along with GNBD.

Hm? Heartbeat has support for OCFS2, which also supports locking in more
recent versions. But "resource locking" seems to be something else. That
heartbeat does not need a quorum disk is actually a _feature_, you know.

The first version of GFS to work with openAIS will likely be GFS2, not
yet shipping either.

> What will be the answer of Heartbeat/Pacemaker/OpenAIS? What would say about iSCSI+OCFS2+OpenAIS+Pacemaker solution although 

That is going to work just fine, though if you're using GFS2 or OCFS2 on
top of GNBD or iSCSI (because you don't have a SAN, presumably), I'd
really wonder why you're not directly using NFS?

> 	- iscsi software targets does not support locking ("persistent reservation" was the word I think)

Why would it need to support that?

> 	- OCFS2 is not completely stable and it is driven by its own cluster 

OCFS2 is not completely stable?

On SLES10, we ship OCFS2 with integration into the heartbeat/CRM


Teamlead Kernel, SuSE Labs, Research and Development
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