[Pacemaker] Multi State Resources

Dejan Muhamedagic dejanmm at fastmail.fm
Tue Dec 30 09:13:30 UTC 2008

On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 09:58:18AM +0100, Adrian Chapela wrote:
> Dejan Muhamedagic escribi?:
>> Hi,
>> On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 01:13:33PM +0100, Adrian Chapela wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have one Multi State resource and I want to permit it to start on one 
>>> node and then in the other.
>>> In normal situation we will have two nodes starting at same time. With 
>>> constraints Heartbeat will decide the best node to run all resources.
>>> But in another situation, We could have only one node starting. At this 
>>> moment we need to start all resources in this node.
>>> How can I permit this situation ?
>> What's there to permit? I suppose that in this case there will be
>> only the master instance of the resource running. Or did I
>> misunderstand your question?
> No, You understood my question but I can't achieve that with my config file 
> and I don't know why.
> Do you know some tip ?

Your config file looks fine to me. The location preference of 50
for node2 is not necessary. Also, did you check that the pingd
attribute is updated in the cib and that its value is >=1000?
Other than that, one can't say what's going on without looking at
the logs.



>> Thanks,
>> Dejan
>>> I can't use globally-unique as an option of multi state. One option could 
>>> be "ordered" ?
>>> I have attached my config file.
>>> Could you have a look ?
>>> Thank you!
>>> <configuration>
>>>     <crm_config>
>>>       <cluster_property_set id="cib-bootstrap-options">
>>>         <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-dc-version" name="dc-version" value="1.0.1-node: b2e38c67d01ed1571259f74f51ee101bdcf54226"/>
>>>         <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-default-resource-failure-stickiness" name="default-resource-failure-stickiness" value="-INFINITY"/>
>>>         <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-default-resource-stickiness" name="default-resource-stickiness" value="INFINITY"/>
>>>         <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-stonith-action" name="stonith-action" value="poweroff"/>
>>>         <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-symmetric-cluster" name="symmetric-cluster" value="true"/>
>>>         <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-no-quorum-policy" name="no-quorum-policy" value="ignore"/>
>>>       </cluster_property_set>
>>>     </crm_config>
>>>     <nodes>
>>>       <node id="ea8af0a5-d8f2-41e7-a861-83236d53689f" uname="node1" type="normal"/>
>>>       <node id="016a6a9d-898c-4606-aa59-00e64ecaab86" uname="node2" type="normal"/>
>>>     </nodes>
>>>     <resources>
>>>       <master id="MySQL">
>>>         <meta_attributes id="MySQL-meta">
>>>           <nvpair id="MySQL-meta-1" name="clone_max" value="2"/>
>>>           <nvpair id="MySQL-meta-2" name="clone_node_max" value="1"/>
>>>           <nvpair id="MySQL-meta-3" name="master_max" value="1"/>
>>>           <nvpair id="MySQL-meta-4" name="master_node_max" value="1"/>
>>>           <nvpair id="MySQL-meta-6" name="globally-unique" value="false"/>
>>>         </meta_attributes>
>>>         <primitive id="MySQL-primitive" class="ocf" provider="heartbeat" type="mysql_slave_master">
>>>           <operations>
>>>             <op id="MySQL-op-1" name="start" interval="0s" timeout="300s"/>
>>>             <op id="MySQL-op-2" name="stop" interval="0s" timeout="900s" on-fail="fence"/>
>>>             <op id="MySQL-op-3" name="monitor" interval="59s" timeout="60s" role="Master" on-fail="fence"/>
>>>             <op id="MySQL-op-4" name="monitor" interval="60s" timeout="60s" role="Slave" on-fail="fence"/>
>>>           </operations>
>>>         </primitive>
>>>       </master>
>>>       <group id="IP_Group">
>>>         <primitive class="ocf" id="IPaddr-1" provider="heartbeat" type="IPaddr">
>>>           <operations>
>>>             <op id="IPaddr-1-op-monitor" interval="5s" name="monitor" timeout="5s"/>
>>>             <op id="IPaddr-1-op-start" name="start" interval="0s" timeout="5s"/>
>>>             <op id="IPaddr-1-op-stop" name="stop" interval="0s" timeout="5s"/>
>>>           </operations>
>>>           <instance_attributes id="IPaddr-1-ia">
>>>             <nvpair id="IPaddr-1-IP" name="ip" value=""/>
>>>             <nvpair id="IPaddr-1-netmask" name="netmask" value="24"/>
>>>             <nvpair id="IPaddr-1-gw" name="gw" value=""/>
>>>             <nvpair id="IPaddr-1-nic" name="nic" value="eth0"/>
>>>           </instance_attributes>
>>>         </primitive>
>>>       </group>
>>>       <clone id="pingd-clone">
>>>         <primitive id="pingd" provider="heartbeat" class="ocf" type="pingd">
>>>           <instance_attributes id="pingd-attrs">
>>>             <nvpair id="pingd-dampen" name="dampen" value="5s"/>
>>>             <nvpair id="pingd-multiplier" name="multiplier" value="1000"/>
>>>             <nvpair id="pingd-hosts" name="host_list" value=""/>
>>>           </instance_attributes>
>>>           <operations>
>>>             <op id="pingd-clone-monitor" name="monitor" interval="5s" timeout="20s"/>
>>>             <op id="pingd-clone-start" name="start" interval="0" timeout="20s"/>
>>>           </operations>
>>>         </primitive>
>>>       </clone>
>>>       <clone id="DoFencing">
>>>         <meta_attributes id="DoFencing-meta">
>>>           <nvpair id="DoFencing-meta-1" name="clone_max" value="2"/>
>>>           <nvpair id="DoFencing-meta-2" name="clone_node_max" value="1"/>
>>>         </meta_attributes>
>>>         <primitive id="ssh-stonith" class="stonith" type="ssh">
>>>           <instance_attributes id="ssh-stonith-attributes">
>>>             <nvpair id="ssh-stonith-hostlist" name="hostlist" value="node1_backup node2_backup"/>
>>>           </instance_attributes>
>>>           <operations>
>>>             <op id="DoFencing-monitor" name="monitor" interval="5s" timeout="20s"/>
>>>             <op id="DoFencing-start" name="start" interval="0" timeout="20s"/>
>>>           </operations>
>>>         </primitive>
>>>       </clone>
>>>     </resources>
>>>     <constraints>
>>>       <rsc_order id="MySQL-IP_Group" first="MySQL" first-action="promote" then="IP_Group" then-action="start"/>
>>>       <rsc_colocation id="IP_Group-with-MySQL" rsc="IP_Group" with-rsc="MySQL" with-rsc-role="Master" score="INFINITY"/>
>>>       <rsc_location id="loca_MySQL_node1" rsc="MySQL">
>>>         <rule id="rule_loc_MySQL_node1" role="Master" score="100">
>>>           <expression id="exp_rule_MySQL_node1" attribute="#uname" operation="eq" value="node1"/>
>>>         </rule>
>>>       </rsc_location>
>>>       <rsc_location id="loca_MySQL_node2" rsc="MySQL">
>>>         <rule id="rule_loc_MySQL_node2" role="Master" score="50">
>>>           <expression id="exp_rule_MySQL_node2" attribute="#uname" operation="eq" value="node2"/>
>>>         </rule>
>>>       </rsc_location>
>>>       <rsc_location id="mysql-connectivity" rsc="MySQL">
>>>         <rule id="mysql-pingd-prefer-rule" score="-INFINITY" role="Master">
>>>           <expression id="mysql-pingd-prefer" attribute="pingd" operation="lt" value="1000"/>
>>>         </rule>
>>>       </rsc_location>
>>>     </constraints>
>>>   </configuration>
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