<div dir="ltr"><div id="gmail-:6pq" class="gmail-Ar gmail-Au gmail-Ao"><div id="gmail-:6pm" class="gmail-Am gmail-Al editable gmail-LW-avf gmail-tS-tW gmail-tS-tY" aria-label="Message Body" role="textbox" aria-multiline="true" tabindex="1" style="direction:ltr;min-height:338px" aria-controls=":9h7"><div dir="ltr"><pre style="white-space:pre-wrap;color:rgb(36,41,46);font-size:11.9px">Hi sbd - developers & users!<br><br>Thanks to everybody for contributing to tests and<br>further development.</pre><pre style="white-space:pre-wrap;color:rgb(36,41,46);font-size:11.9px">Only functional change is the first topic in the list below.
And even that is 'just' refusing startup in a case where
the config anyway wouldn't have led to a successful cluster
startup.</pre><pre style="white-space:pre-wrap;color:rgb(36,41,46);font-size:11.9px">Improved logs/build/test should make things more convenient
and less error prone.</pre><pre style="white-space:pre-wrap;color:rgb(36,41,46);font-size:11.9px"><br>Changes since 1.5.1<br><br>- fail startup if pacemaker integration is disabled while<br> SBD_SYNC_RESOURCE_STARTUP is conflicting (+ hint to overcome)<br>- improve logs<br> - when logging state of SBD_PACEMAKER tell it is just that as<br> this might still be overridden via cmdline options<br> - log a warning if SBD_PACEMAKER is overridden by -P or -PP option<br> - do not warn about startup syncing with pacemaker integration disabled<br> - when watchdog-device is busy give a hint on who is hogging it<br>- improve build environment<br> - have --with-runstatedir overrule --runstatedir<br> - use new package name for pacemaker devel on opensuse<br> - make config location configurable for man-page-creation<br> - reverse alloc/de-alloc order to make gcc-12 static analysis happy<br>- improve test environment<br> - have image-files in /dev/shm to assure they are in memory and<br> sbd opening the files with O_SYNC doesn't trigger unnecessary<br> syncs on a heavily loaded test-machine<br> fallback to /tmp if /dev/shm doesn't exist<br> - wrapping away libaio and usage of device-mapper for block-device<br> simulation can now be passed into make via<br> SBD_USE_DM & SBD_TRANSLATE_AIO<br> - have variables that configure test-environment be printed<br> out prior to running tests<br> - finally assure we clean environment when interrupted by a<br> signal (bash should have done it with just setting EXIT handler -<br> but avoiding bashism might come handy one day)<br><br>Regards,<br>Klaus</pre></div></div></div></div>