[ClusterLabs Developers] pacemaker POC to execute external program in case of RA timeout

Emil Penchev emil.penchev at suse.com
Mon May 31 08:53:27 UTC 2021

Hi all,

I'm writing about an issue we have received from a pacemaker user about RA timeout.
Some users have encountered a timeout from RA script/program and this led to a major outage for them.
Typical of these types of cases, there is no additional useful information to explain why this happened.
There is a proposed solution, a POC from the user to instrument pacemaker directly and insert a method to activate further debugging via an external callout program.
One can set an environment variable, for example PCMK_timeout_prog that points to an external program or a script to be executed to get more useful debug information for example.

Here is the proposed POC change with minor changes.

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