[ClusterLabs Developers] OCF actions support

Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais jgdr at dalibo.com
Wed Feb 12 15:17:08 UTC 2020

Last mail for today :)

At least three actions exists in the OCF specs and are not fully supported in

1. recovery

  Today, Pacemaker replace this action with a stop/start or
  demote/stop/start/promote transition. I bet some RA (at least PAF) would be
  able to deal with a recovery themselves faster in one action than with 2 or 4
  actions (without counting notify).

2. migration-to and migration-from

  These two actions are only available for non-clone resource today.

  I would really appreciate having them for multi-state resources. Think
  switchover roles between primary and secondaries.

How hard would it be to add these actions? Is it something that could be planed
in the futur? I'm not sure how I would be able to contribute to these features,
at least with tests, maybe some code, but it really depend how hard it would be
and how much time I can find to work on this.


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