[ClusterLabs Developers] FYI: github policy change potentially affecting ssh/app access to repositories

Jan PokornĂ˝ jpokorny at redhat.com
Thu Apr 25 20:41:59 UTC 2019

On 25/04/19 11:27 -0500, Ken Gaillot wrote:
> FYI OAuth access restrictions are now in place on the ClusterLabs
> organization account.
> [...]
> If you use an app that needs repo access, I believe a request to allow
> it will be sent automatically, but if problems arise just mention them
> here or to me directly.

Looks like Travis CI integration is also affected, at least in case of


> On Wed, 2019-04-10 at 17:44 -0500, Ken Gaillot wrote:
>> Florian Haas and Kristoffer Grönlund noticed that the ClusterLabs
>> organization on github currently carries over any app access that
>> members have given to their own accounts.
>> This is not significant at the moment since we don't have any private
>> repositories and few accounts have write access, but to stay on the
>> safe side, we'd like to enable OAuth access restrictions on the
>> organization account.
>> Going forward, this will simply mean that any apps that need access
>> will need to be approved individually by one of the administrators.
>> But as a side effect, this will invalidate existing apps' access as
>> well as some individual contributors' ssh key access to the
>> repositories. If you are affected, you can simply re-upload your ssh
>> key and it will work again.

Jan (Poki)
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