[ClusterLabs Developers] fence-agents v4.3.0

Oyvind Albrigtsen oalbrigt at redhat.com
Tue Oct 9 10:07:38 UTC 2018

On 09/10/18 11:11 +0200, Valentin Vidic wrote:
>On Tue, Oct 09, 2018 at 10:55:08AM +0200, Oyvind Albrigtsen wrote:
>> It seems like the if-line should be updated to check for those 2
>> libraries (from the imports in the agent).
>Yes, that might work too.
>Also would it be possible to make the imports in openstack agent
>conditional so the metadata works even when the python modules
>are not installed?
I've created a PR for the library detection and try/except imports:
>Something like this in aliyun:
>        from aliyunsdkcore import client
>        from aliyunsdkecs.request.v20140526.DescribeInstancesRequest import DescribeInstancesRequest
>        from aliyunsdkecs.request.v20140526.StartInstanceRequest import StartInstanceRequest
>        from aliyunsdkecs.request.v20140526.StopInstanceRequest import StopInstanceRequest
>        from aliyunsdkecs.request.v20140526.RebootInstanceRequest import RebootInstanceRequest
>except ImportError:
>        pass
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