[ClusterLabs Developers] [RFC] Time to migrate authoritative source forge elsewhere?

Jan Pokorný jpokorny at redhat.com
Tue Oct 23 16:07:18 UTC 2018

On 08/06/18 00:21 +0200, Jan Pokorný wrote:
> On 07/06/18 15:40 -0500, Ken Gaillot wrote:
>> On Thu, 2018-06-07 at 11:01 -0400, Digimer wrote:
>>> I think we need to hang tight and wait to see what the landscape
>>> looks like after the dust settles. There are a lot of people on
>>> different projects under the Clusterlabs group. To have them all
>>> move in coordination would NOT be easy. If we do move, we need to
>>> be certain that it's worth the hassle and that we're going to the
>>> right place.
>>> I don't think either of those can be met just now. Gitlab has had
>>> some well publicized, major problems in the past. No solution I
>>> know of is totally open, so it's a question of "picking your
>>> poison" which doesn't make a strong "move" argument.
>>> I vote to just hang tight, say for 3~6 months, then start a new
>>> thread to discuss further.
>> +1
>> I'd wait until the dust settles to see if a clear favorite emerges.
>> Hopefully this will spur the other projects to compete more strongly on
>> features.
>> My gut feeling is that ClusterLabs may end up self-hosting one or
>> another of the open(ish) projects; our traffic is low enough it
>> shouldn't involve much admin. But as you suggested, I wouldn't look
>> forward to the migration. It's a time sink that means less coding on
>> our projects.
> Hopefully not at all:
> https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/user/project/import/github.html
> Btw. just to prevent any sort of squatting, I've registered
> https://gitlab.com/ClusterLabs & sharing now the intended dedication
> of this namespace publicly in a signed email in case it will turn
> up useful and the bus factor or whatever kicks in.

I guess you could see this thread bump coming, but with the recent
lack of HA with GitHub [1,2] (some rumours guessed that the problem
in question might have something to do with split brain scenarios
-- what a fitting reminder of the consequences, isn't it?), it's
a new opportunity to possibly get the ball slowly rolling and
reconsider where the biggest benefits vs. losses (e.g. suboptimal
merge reviews) possibly are and whether it's not the suitable time
for action now.

[1] https://blog.github.com/2018-10-21-october21-incident-report/
[2] https://blog.github.com/2018-10-22-incident-update/

Jan (Poki)
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