[ClusterLabs Developers] [openstack-dev] [HA] future of OpenStack OCF resource agents (was: resource-agents v4.2.0)

Mathieu GRZYBEK mathieu.grzybek at dgfip.finances.gouv.fr
Fri Nov 2 11:00:30 UTC 2018


On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 01:25:54PM +0100, Adam Spiers wrote:
>> No doubt I've missed some pros and cons here.  At this point
>> personally I'm slightly leaning towards keeping them in the
>> openstack-resource-agents - but that's assuming I can either hand off
>> maintainership to someone with more time, or somehow find the time
>> myself to do a better job.
>> What does everyone else think?  All opinions are very welcome,
>> obviously.
> Well, I can just comment that with all the python agents coming in,
> the resource-agents package is getting a bit heavy on the dependencies
> (at least in Debian) so we might decide to split it at some point in
> the future.

Indeed, cloud agents use python to import cloud's libraries. Regrouping them would make packaging easier.

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