[ClusterLabs Developers] Reference to private bugzillas in commit messages

Jan Pokorný jpokorny at redhat.com
Tue Jan 9 16:13:50 UTC 2018

On 09/01/18 09:56 -0600, Ken Gaillot wrote:
> The acronyms, like any other, you just have to pick up over time with
> experience. I'll add the ones I know to the Pacemaker Development
> document, which are:
>   LFBZ - old Linux Foundation bugzilla for the Linux-HA project - https
> ://developerbugs.linuxfoundation.org/buglist.cgi?product=Pacemaker

I fail to find a single reference to this, as opposed to mere "LF" in
the repo log.

>   CLBZ - ClusterLabs bugzilla - https://bugs.clusterlabs.org/

Similarly, these were historically referred often just as
"cl#<ticket no>"

>   RHBZ - Red Hat bugzilla - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/
>   BSC - SuSE bugzilla - https://bugzilla.suse.com/index.cgi

There are also "bnc" entries in the repo log that, I grok, stands for

> Sometimes you'll see bz without anything more specific, which is
> usually LFBZ or CLBZ depending on when it was written.

Jan (Poki)
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