[ClusterLabs Developers] Pagure.io as legacy codebases/distribution files/documentation hosting (Was: Moving cluster project)

Jan Pokorný jpokorny at redhat.com
Tue Feb 28 22:15:41 UTC 2017

On 28/02/17 03:18 +0100, Jan Pokorný wrote:
> On 17/01/17 22:27 +0100, Jan Pokorný wrote:
>> On 17/01/17 21:14 +0000, Andrew Price wrote:
>>> On 17/01/17 19:58, Jan Pokorný wrote:
>>>> So I think we should arrange for a move to pagure.io for this cluster
>>>> project as well if possible, if only to retain the ability to change
>>>> something should there be a need.
>>> Good plan.
>>>> I can pursuit this if there are no complaints.  Just let me know
>>>> (off-list) who aspires to cluster-maint group (to be created)
>>>> membership.
>>> Could you give the gfs2-utils-maint group push access to the cluster project
>>> once it's been set up? (It is possible to add many groups to a project.) I
>>> think that would be the most logical way to do it.
>> Sure and thanks for a cumulative access assignment tip.
>> I'll proceed on Friday or early next week, then.
> Well, scheduler of mine didn't get to it until now, so sorry
> to anyone starting to worry.
> So what's been done:
> - git repo moved over to https://pagure.io/linux-cluster/cluster
>   + granted commit rights for gfs2-utils-maint group
>     (and will add some more folks to linux-cluster group,
>     feel free to bug me off-list about that)
>   + mass-committed an explanation change to every branch at
>     the discontinued fedorahosted.org (fh.o) provider I could,
>     as some are already frozen
>     (https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/cluster.git/)
>   . I've decided to use a namespace (because there are possibly
>     more projects to be migrated under that label),

Actually, there are quite a few legacy project copied over, some
merely for plain archival bits-preserving:
[did I miss anything?  AFAIK, gfs-utils and dlm components migrated
on their own, and corosync is on GitHub for years]

Actually also some components otherwise found under ClusterLabs label
(note that *-agents are common to both worlds) are affected, and for
that I created a separate ClusterLabs group on pagure.io:

The respective projects there are just envelopes that I used for
uploading distribution files and/or documentation that were so
far served by fedorahosted.org [*], not used for active code
hosting (at this time, anyway).

[*] locations like:

>     and have stuck with linux-cluster referring to the mailing list
>     of the same name that once actively served to discuss the
>     cluster stack in question (and is quite abandoned nowadays)
> - quickly added backup location links at
>   https://fedorahosted.org/cluster/ and
>   https://fedorahosted.org/cluster/wiki/FenceAgentAPI,

I've converted the latter to Markdown and exposed at
The maintenance or just source access should be as simple as
cloning from ssh://git@pagure.io/docs/ClusterLabs/fence-agents.git
or https://pagure.io/docs/ClusterLabs/fence-agents.git, respectively.

>   i.e., the pages that seem most important to me, to allow for
>   smooth "forward compatibility"; the links currently refer to vain
>   stubs at ClusterLabs wiki, but that can be solved later on -- I am
>   still unsure if trac wikis at fh.o will be served in the next
>   phase or shut down right away and apparently this measure will
>   help only in the former case
> What to do:
> - move releases over to pagure.io as well:
>   https://fedorahosted.org/releases/c/l/cluster/

Done for cluster:

Tarballs for split components from here will eventually be uploaded
to respective release directories for the particular projects, e.g.,
http://releases.pagure.org/ClusterLabs/fence-agents/, it's a WIP.

> - possibly migrate some original wiki content to proper
>   "doc pages" exposed directly through pagure.io

So far I am just collecting the cluster wiki texts for possible
later ressurecting.

> - resolve the question of the linked wiki stubs and
>   cross-linking as such
> Any comments?  Ideas?

Jan (Poki)
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