[ClusterLabs Developers] iSCSILogicalUnit

Patrick Domack patrickdk at patrickdk.com
Sun Dec 17 14:15:12 UTC 2017

The iSCSILogicalUnit lio-t is not operational with targetcli 3.x

I have made the following adjustments for a few years now that mostly  
resolved the issue, but failovers where not solid. When looking into  
this again, I noticed the version on github had been updated to  
include some locking behavior, and when that was added long with the  
changes I made to make it targetcli 3.x compatable, I haven't had any  
issues since.

Attached is the patch. Mainly I wanted to know the best why you would  
want to commit it. As I believe you wouldn't take it as is, since it  
removed targetcli <3.x support. Should it detect what version of  
targetcli is being used on the system? Should it be a new section,  
like lio-t3, or another method.

I also have issues with the new behavior that was added lately to it,  
that adds an ipv6 ip address to the iscsi target group. I don't  
understand why this code is in the LogicalUnit setup, and not in the  
iSCSITarget code, and also why it's even in there at all. This  
completely breaks my IP config in my iSCSITarget config, it has no  
checks to see what was configured but just blanket changes the config  
of the target everytime a lun is added to that target. It only checks  
if ipv6 is active, and if so adds it. It doesn't even bother to check  
if ipv6 is enabled on the target interface or anything, just anywhere  
on the system (localhost, only link scope). This can be done, but  
should ONLY be done in iSCSITarget, if no binding IP address was  

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