[ClusterLabs Developers] Clusterlabs Summit 2017 (Sept. 6-7 in Nuremberg) - One month left!

Kristoffer Grönlund kgronlund at suse.com
Tue Aug 1 12:48:19 UTC 2017

Hey everyone!

Here's a quick update for the upcoming Clusterlabs Summit at the SUSE
office in Nuremberg in September:

The time to register for the pool of hotel rooms has now expired - we
have sent the final list of names to the hotel. There may still be hotel
rooms available at the Sorat Saxx or other hotels in Nuremberg, so if
anyone missed the deadline and still needs a room, either contact me or
feel free to contact the hotel directly. The same goes for any changes,
for those who have reservations: Please either contact me, or contact
the hotel directly at info at saxx-nuernberg.de.

The schedule is being sorted out right now, and the planning wiki will
be updated with a preliminary schedule soon. If there is anyone who
would like to present on a topic or would like to discuss a topic that
isn't on the wiki yet, now is the time to add it there.

Other than that, I don't have any other remarks, other than to wish
everyone welcome to Nuremberg in a month! Feel free to contact me with
any concerns or issues related to the summit, and I'll do what I can to
help out.


// Kristoffer Grönlund
// kgronlund at suse.com

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