[ClusterLabs Developers] Help! Can packmaker launch resource from new network namespace automatically

Hao QingFeng haoqf at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Wed Dec 21 21:08:52 UTC 2016


I am newbie for pacemaker and using it to manage resource haproxy on 
ubuntu 16.04.

I met a problem that haproxy can't start listening for some services in 
vip because the related ports

were occupied by some native services which listened on

So I would like just  to confirm that if pacemaker can create a new 
network namespace

for haproxy(or other manged resource) automatically to avoid such socket 
binding conflict?

If yes, how to configure it? If no, do you have any advice on how to 
solve the problem?

Appreciate your help!



QingFeng Hao(Robin)

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