[ClusterLabs Developers] fencing-topology change in 1.1.14 (especially for pcs/crm authors)

Jan Pokorný jpokorny at redhat.com
Tue Sep 8 18:51:20 UTC 2015

On 08/09/15 10:27 -0500, Ken Gaillot wrote:
> * Don't confuse NAME:VALUE with an IPv6 address, which must have more
> than one ':'

conceptually not enough to reliably distinguish IPv6 address
"abcd:ef::1" and restriction on "abcd" node attribute being "ef::1"
unless we claim the attribute cannot contain more than a single colon
if not in prefix, none otherwise (or variations on this).

In fact I can see that colon is completely excluded in VALUE from
NAME:VALUE notation, hence when configuration tools observe
TARGET_SPEC akin to this NAME:VALUE, where VALUE contains 1+ colon
and whole TARGET_SPEC is not lexically correct IPv6, they could either:
- turn NAME:VALUE into NAME=VALUE silently
- complain about invalid IPv6 + "did you mean NAME=VALUE instead?"

Of course, this assumes no extra syntax is invented with its own
set of restrictions, but that should watch out for the same under
the hood.

Just and idea what to be careful about here.

Jan (Poki)
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